Angus Family, Dawson Vale Station, take out top awards at NBPE Feeder Steer Challenge
15 Feb 2023The NBPE Feeder Steer Challenge was initiated to provide Northern beef producers an opportunity to closely examine how their steers can perform on grain. The competition takes steers from a suitable ‘feeder’ weight – 380-450kg and age (0-2T) right through to a comprehensive carcase feedback system over a 100-day period.
Competition Chief Stewart Bill Holzart told the Queensland Country Life the motivation for creating the event was born out of a lack of carcase competitions in Qld’s north. “To be able to use a northern feedlot, which allows producers to see how their cattle being fed in the heat and in wet weather on a northern ration was quite interesting. The feedback we have received has been really positive and all of the producers who entered praised the information about their cattle that they took away from the competition,” he said.
Producers from across the state’s north entered a Pen of 10 Feeder weight steers into the NBPE Challenge. 7 pens were nominated in this new class and each pen was judged on the hoof at the 2022 NBPE before heading to Laurel Hills Feedlot, Clermont for 120 days until they were processed at the Signature On Farm Abattoir late last year. The competition included points for suitability to grow as judged on the hoof as a pen, overall weight gain and carcass feedback. Data was collected and shared by the Black Box Co in determining the overall winner of the competition.
The Angus Family were thrilled with their results saying, “Droughtmasters once again showed their versatility in this competition. Whether you have a solid Droughtmaster line or use them in a cross breeding program – it’s a productive and profitable breed for any mix of operation.”
For more information on the Northern Beef Producers Expo head to Home – Northen Beef Producers Expo (
The final results are as follows:
Pen of 10 steers suitable to grow for the 100-day grain fed market
– St Ann’s Station – Simmental X Yellow Tag pen
– Dawson Vale – F1 Droughtmaster – Wagyu cross pen
– Rangeside Station – Brangus pen
Weight gain on grain – pen of steers with the highest average weight gain on grain
– St. Ann’s Station – Simmental X Green Tag pen
– St Ann’s Station – Simmental X Yellow Tag pen
– Rangeside Station – Brangus pen
Carcass feedback – pen of steers with the highest average points scored against carcass competition standards.
– Dawson Vale Station – F1 Droughtmaster – Wagyu cross pen
– Glen Idol Station – Euro Pen
– Dawson Vale Station – Droughtmaster pen
Special Award – Highest Individual weight gain on grain
St Ann’s Station – Simmental X Yellow Tag Pen Steer 3.02kg per day
Special Award – Highest Individual carcass points received
Dawson Vale Station – Droughtmaster pen steer with 67 points
Dawson Vale Station – F1 Droughtmaster – Wagyu cross pen steer with 67 points
Points to 5th place were award for the three main sections of the competition as described above with the Feeder Steer Challenge Overall Winner calculated. As a true testament to the quality of the cattle entered in this competition, the points were very tight and a tie for equal first was achieved. The overall winners of the 2022 Feeder Steer Challenge are:
St Ann’s Station – Simmental X Yellow Tag pen
Dawson Vale Station – F1 Droughtmaster – Wagyu X cross pen

Equal winners of the 2022 NBPE Feeder Steer Challenge: Dawson Vale F1 Droughtmaster – Wagyu Cross Steers