Do More With a Droughtmaster Membership


Droughtmaster Membership

We have a membership category to suit everyone.

Stud: Register cattle, sell at sponsored sales

Commercial: Officially recognised Droughtmaster herd

Junior: Under 25’s who wish to register their herd

Associate: Interested people

  • Sell stock at exclusive Droughtmaster Society Sponsored Sales
  • Receive annual Droughtmaster Australia Magazine
  • Receive regular Droughtmaster eNews bulletins containing Society updates, technical articles and upcoming events
  • Registration of cattle into the Droughtmaster Herdbook

Droughtmaster membership is divided up into Zones: Far Southern, South East, Southern, Far Northern, Central, Northern and Western Zone. Each Zone has a Zone Director or a National Director.


We love to see new members joining with us and sharing their knowledge of our wonderful breed. Membership offers many benefits including the ability to sell stock at exclusive Droughtmaster Society Sponsored Sales. Members also appreciate the fact that our breed is promoted at events and field days including Beef Australia. We have a membership category to suit everyone

  • Enjoy expert support from our zone representatives
  • Tri-annual Droughtmaster Australia Magazine
  • Droughtmaster eNews bulletins
  • Register your cattle in Droughtmaster Herdbook
  • Stay up-to-date with developments in our industry
  • Grow your networks in our 600-strong community

Membership Categories


Is ideal for those who wish to participate in breeding quality registered animals and recording their pedigree. Stud Members are eligible to sell stock at Society Sponsored Sales, participate in Droughtmaster Group Breedplan, vote at Society meetings as well as receive the magazine, information regarding shows, sales and activities organised by the Society.


Is available to those who do not wish to be concerned with the paperwork but who wish to have their herd recognised as being Droughtmaster. Commercial Members are able to vote at Society meetings as well as receive the magazines and information relating to Society events.

Accredited commercial herd

Accredited Commercial Herd status is available to any stud or commercial member and is a symbol of recognition granted by the Board of Directors to commercial Droughtmaster herds which have been breeding high quality purebred Droughtmasters for a number of years. Application can be made to the Society, please contact the Society for further details.


Associate Membership is available to those interested people who wish to maintain a contact with the Society and the Breed.


Is available to breeders under the age of 25. Junior members are able to record cattle to the Droughtmaster herdbook and sell at Society Sponsored Sales.Junior members receive the Droughtmaster Magazine, enews updates and information on Society Sales, Events and Activities.

Download Schedule of Fees

Have a question about

If you have any questions about our membership structure or
the application process, please get in touch.

Contact Us